Powerlifting for Beginners, by a Beginner

Powerlifting is a barbell strength sport consisting of lifting the highest possible weight in squat, bench, and deadlift. When you look powerlifting up, you often get pictures and videos of amazing athletes, lifting weight you didn’t even think was possible. It’s scary looking at those pictures, especially when you know you’re not even close to lifting that much. Sure, you know your way around a squat rack and you’ll pick up some dumbbells for a chest press, but that feels like nothing compared to what the champions lift. (but these lifters are fun to watch—my favorite is Stefi Cohen) And there is where your powerlifting research stops; after you’re intimated and convinced you’ll never be as good as them, you go back to following whatever workouts your favorite influencer is posting.

I’m here to tell you that no matter where you are in your fitness journey, you absolutely can start powerlifting. I started almost a year ago. Before specifically training for powerlifting, I was following a “bro split” in the gym, focusing on one or two sets of muscle groups each session. That got boring quickly. I didn’t feel like my body was changing, I wasn’t lifting heavy, and my motivation to work out quickly fell. I knew I needed to change something.

Once I found powerlifting, I had to dig through so many articles and videos to find information that was beginner-friendly. And even when I did find something geared towards beginners, it was always by someone who has been doing the sport for years. I would spend hours flipping between different articles and a video explaining what the articles were saying. Nothing was a single stop for beginners.

This page is going to change that. Because I still consider myself a beginner, I have a perspective that other powerlifters don’t. I’m not a coach or a pro, but I do know what it’s like to start powerlifting and gain confidence in the sport. I will be right alongside you when you make rookie mistakes, debate gear, and feel like giving up. Building yourself as a powerlifter from the ground up is difficult, I know because I’m doing it right now. But I also know the empowerment that you will feel when you squat 135 pounds for the first time, deadlift more than your body weight, and push through a bench plateau.

All you need to start is yourself, a barbell and some plates, basic lifting knowledge, and a little bit of fire in you to get going. Don’t worry though, I’ll break down everything in depth in the next post. Remember, beginner-friendly, no detail will be spared. And if you have further questions now, feel free to comment and ask. 

Stick around for the steps to begin, motivation tips, and even a look into competing.

So welcome to the land of squat, bench, and deadlift, my name is Madie and I am happy to be your guide to this world.

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